quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2012

The crystal History - Pt1

Well i started the history but don't finished yet.. so, you can wait for new updates!

The crystal chamber history:

Searching for a mystery:

  For many days James stayed locked in your study room searching for a new adventure. Diana your wife is reading an old book of your grandpa, till the image of an old city and the drawing of a crystal with a lot of words appears written at the right side of a page and she run for show for James.
  Passed 2 hours and they already get all the maps and gadgets for try to find this lost city.  So, they go for the airport to talk with their friend what have a little plane, to finally start the journey.

The journey begins:

They flew for several days until you reach the small island of Meddor. There they got elephants for cross the jungle of Baobas and arrive to the floating islands.

Floating Clues:

Diana never saw island floating in the air, picked up the camera and took several pictures. When she looks to the biggest island noticed a big bell. Took a picture, increased the size and noticed, a big arrow pointing to the right.. Well, they followed the arrow till be…
We are lost:
… be lost.

A friend help?:

Walking into a big jungle and at night, not is a good idea, but was needed. Walking into a big jungle and at night, not is a good idea, but was needed.
They walked for 2 hours till a big shadow appear in the middle of a bush. Diana was scared, James.. curious.. he approached of the bush and a strange woman jumped of it.
She offered his experience with the ways, forests and the dangers of it. They accepted.

 [and no not is Harry Potter ¬¬']

The crystal History - Pt2

The crystal History - Pt3

The crystal History - Pt4

The crystal History - Pt5


Heyyy is Carnaval time!! and like every year i watch all the school parades, but before this i listened some "sambas enredos" and did this african-magical alegoria..
Just a little observation: i didn't used ruler, ok..


Here are some characters.. nothing for do, let's draw..
i don't liked the Sir. with the potato head.

Geek Girl

Hehehe testing expressions.. need work.. but was funny.. :P

You want a flower? *.*

How you can reject a flower of this Beautiful child?
loved this tree.. hehehe

MundiLegra a Really happy place

That's the happiest  place in the world to live, with all this crazy friends and this Magical princess.. reference: "Adventure time"

Lonely lady

Eris the queen of war

She can have a pretty/happy face but her soul is black..